Tshuka (tav, shin, vav, kuf, heh)
Tshuka is a desire for connection, and it is also used in Genesis regarding a woman's feeling toward her husband.
'....v'el ishech t'shukatech' -
'.... and to your man/husband (shall be) your desire.'
We also see a couple of connections we can make to similar Hebrew words: - neshika - a kiss; and hashaka' - irrigation, water provision.
When a connection is made there is a flow of energy from one party to the other. This is expressed in terms of the downflow of masculine waters known as 'arousal from above' in Jewish mysticism. This causes a complementary phenomenon, the upflow of feminine waters or 'arousal from below'.
Here we see clearly the concept of hashaka- provision of water. We can see water as a symbol for 'spiritual energy , the 'live water' carrying the ohr haganuz- the hidden light'.
We also see this concept played through in the matchmaking of our ancestors. In Genesis chapter 24 Eliezer, agent of Abraham, met Rebecca by a well. The waters rose up for her- (raising of feminine waters). Rebecca provided water for all the camels and men (hashaka).
The well itself is the mouth between worlds (neshika).
Later in chapter 29, Jacob moved the stone from the well, provided water to the flocks of Rachel, and kissed Rachel. The well was blocked- this symbolises a spiritual obstacle in this union- and we see that Jacob was blocked from winning Rachel by Lavan's machinations. This was measure for measure a result of Rebecca's ploy for Jacob. Jacob posed as Esau on his mother's direction in order to receive the blessing of the firstborn. Thus the block was put into place earlier in the storyline. G-d is giving Yaakov a clear message at the well. Jacob has the the power, to shift that block and provide water with G-d's help.
We can contemplate the two root letters, shin & kuf.
If we refer to Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh's book of letters we see that shin refers to fire. This is the motivation which comes from the heart, the original human passion and the source of everlasting love. This is the love that reaches up toward G-d like burning coals (Tanya). This is the love of tshuka, the desire for connection.
Kuf represents the transcendant. Vav is the connection between the two, generally a connection from above to below.
May we all be blessed with genuine tshuka for G-d and the full will and ability to do G-d's will with inner peace and without distractions!