a little "Purim Torah"

What was the miracle of Purim? Was it the remarkable fact that a woman kept a secret for nine years? Was it because Haman's ears, normally forbidden because of the prohibition against eating a limb from a living creature, became a delicious kosher combination of baked pastry and jelly, or was the miracle something completely different?

Let me present to you my little theory, based on a few hints in the book of Esther.

According to my humble hypothesis, Esther could perform photosynthesis, just like a green plant. Now, if we can all drag ourselves back, in our minds, to our high school biology classes we'll recall that photosynthesis, (I'm going to call it PS for short here) is that amazing process in which water and carbon dioxide are brought together, zapped with sunshine energy and, hey presto! Instant carbohydrates. A really neat trick, and we have evidence that Esther could do it.

"What evidence?", you ask, with understandable scepticism.

We-e-ell... First of all, Esther's Hebrew name was Hadassah, which means myrtle- and myrtle is a plant. Good start. We are also told by the midrash that Esther's face was green. This was no doubt caused by all that subcutaneous chlorophyll, those little factories of PS- lapping up the sunshine and using it for nutrition for the body. This is the real reason why Esther was very reluctant to use any of the creams and other make-up provided for the maidens. She couldn't very well cover up this vital energy receptor with foundation, could she?

We also learned that Esther survived on a slim diet of nuts and fruit, forgoing all the rich delicacies of court. This was certainly not adequate caloric intake for a lady subjected to the intense demands and stresses of palace life. There is clearly a need for supplementation by sun generated fuel.

"Ah", you will say, "Didn't Daniel and his brothers also survive on such a diet?" Yes indeed, and you may recall that Daniel regularly davenned by the open window, allowing the sunlight to stream into his room and promote PS. Yes, Daniel also enjoyed this miracle, and was clearly in the best of health. It was an extremely useful resource in otherwise very difficult circumstances.

Now for the final clinching evidence. Esther fasted for three days- certainly a difficult task even for a plant. After three days she would probably be wilting from the lack of water. This is why, on the third day, Esther stood out in the chatzer, both to absorb a few sunrays for a last minute energy boost before the dreaded encounter with Achashverosh, and also, hopefully, to pick up a little dew.

Where do we find Haman in the Torah? Back in Genesis- . ("from the tree...?")Haman is therefore a tree. It is therefore very appropriate that his nemesis should also have plant like characteristics.... but of course, this is all merely theory.....

Copyright © 2002 Gila Atwood

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